Happy/Merry Almost Holidays/Christmas
This week I have WordPress, cupcakes, gender and finding work, and Canadian bacon.
- 10 Ways to Reply to Can I Pick Your Brain – Any freelancer can relate to this article. I frequently get emails that start with, “I just have a quick question.” It rarely is a quick question. I also had someone that wanted me to provide him with free facebook documentation because my article wasn’t detailed enough. Umm … no.
- Stupid WordPress Tricks All of the WordPress code snippets, tips and tricks collected by Jeff Starr while working on Digging Into WordPress.
- Periodic Table Cupcakes – The periodic table created with cupcakes.
- WPLookup – A quick lookup for WordPress functions.
- Why James Chartrand Wears Women’s Underpants – James Chartrand from Men With Pens is really a woman. I knew of Men With Pens and assumed, based on the name, that James was male. This article shows why feminism is still prevalent in the 21st Century.
- Canadian Money Is Pretty Much Useless – The Blogess is consistently hysterical. Here is a funny article about trying to exchange Canadian money for another Canadian product.
A surprised kitty
A holiday song from Blondie
I really like the pick your brain article. And its not Christmas until you hear it from Blondie!
Awesome list! Merry Christmas to you and everyone who visits ASD!
Hi Jim – I like that article too – so many of us think the same thing and you just laid it out.
Blondie is going to have a new album next year – blows my mind a little :-)
Small list this time around, but a couple goodies. ;)
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..UPDATED – Pick My New Domain Names With A chance To Win $10! =-.
Hi Dennis – Hmm … I guess it was shorter. :-)
Please don’t take that the wrong way. The link love posts that take 3 minutes to scroll are practically useless. lol
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..The $10 Winner And More Good News….. =-.
LOVE the cupcakes! :D Thanks for sharing.
.-= Carla´s last blog ..Fwd: Fwd: Be very afraid! – Chain Emails =-.
Hi Carla – I can’t imagine making and arranging all of them but it’s a cool
way to learn the periodic table.