It’s May – yay, April is over. I’m officially working for myself as a freelance WordPress consultant. I was so busy this week that I actually fell for a facebook phishing scam but somehow managed to find some great links (I also seem to know a lot of awesome people who post great stuff). This week is all over the place and there is hardly anything about WordPress.
- The Force is Strong With This One – A collection of flickr photos of animals and Star Wars. Fun and silly.
- Create Your Own Zombie – Over at PopCap games you can create your own zombie as part of the Plants vs. Zombies promo.
Twanalyst – Input your Twitter username and have your twitter personality analyzed. Mine says:
Personality: renowned spamming cautious
Style: garrulous coherent
CELEBRITYAwesome – I’ve always wanted to be a coherant spamming celebrity. Maybe Twanlyst knows about the Facebook fiasco.
- The Vintage Web– Want some web design inspiration? Then don’t look here. Instead, say hello to 1998 and geocities.
- How To Use the WordPress Image Uploader to Create Thumbnails – This article discusses using thumbnails with your WordPress theme. I was intrigued by this because I recently wrote about using the Thumbnails for Excerpts plugin in a sidebar block. This also shows how little I pay attention sometimes because I didn’t know that the sizes of the uploaded images could be changed to whatever you wanted. Very useful.
- How to Eat Sustainably on a Food Stamp Budget Siel discusses how one couple made sustainable and organic meals for a month on a food stamp budget. I didn’t think it was possible to do buying organic food but with some planning and cooking it can be done.
- Swine Flu Should Be The Least of Our Concerns – Considering that 36,000 people die from the “regular” flu annually and 1300 people die daily (worldwide) from Malaria it would seem that the media is creating unnecessary fear and panic.
- Oh God – It’s a Whole Chicken in a Can – The original “gross lady”, Tracy O’Connor had her site linked to by this Gizmodo article. So much traffic hit her site that it came crashing down. Lots of traffic is awesome. Last minute install of WP Super Cache not so much. Still … this is SO awesome.
I love Maru – he has so much fun with the big giant box.
The little drummer kitty. This kitty is Jim Rocco’s own personal Susan Doyle.
Are you sure the little kitty is having fun with the box? She is waving her tail and from the very little i know about cats that shows annoyance… Or she is having fun and i don’t know what i am talking about :P Anyway, have a happy month and a very very good start!
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: April
Hi Stratos – Thanks! I’m pretty sure the kitty is having fun. Why else we he keep jumping in and out of the box. ;-)
Awesome list!!!
Yay! Dummer Kitty! Its record is in tact, I’ve watched it at least 5 times and smiled each time.
I love vintage web but I do not miss those designs. Every once in a while I’ll come across one of them and it hurts me.
And how have I not created my own zombie yet?
Hi Jim – LOL – Alex loves those videos.
Here’s a secret – I haven’t created a zombie yet either.
The first link is great! :)
Hi Manshu – Really silly photos ;-)
I completely agree about the unnecessary panic re swine flu. Boo media.
Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post – If You Want To Sell Something To Women, You’d Better Make It Pink
Hi Vered – It’s less severe than a normal flu outbreak. I had no idea at first that such a big deal was being made of it because I don’t watch tv. I was eating out with my kid this weekend and the tv was on CNN without sound and the bottom text said it was crippling Mexico’s economy. Ridiculous.
The cat videos are funny. thanks for the laughs!
Hi Tess,
Thanks! I try to find silly ones for each Sunday’s list.
Great links! I agree about the pig flu deal. They made waaay too much out of it.
The comments on “How to Eat Sustainably on a Food Stamp Budget ” really got heated!
carla´s last blog post – Blogroll – Daily Living
Hi Carla – The comments were really between Siel and another person. The other person was saying the diet wasn’t sustainable because it included a chicken. Even though I don’t eat meat I think one chicken between two people stretched out for an entire month is very frugal.
Loving these lists! I’ve already spent a lot of time checking these out this morning.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of searching for cool stuff!
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Six tips to avoid being an overworked writer
Hi George – Thanks! Have you made your own zombie yet?
Hehe. Kim, getting zombie-ized is on my to do list for today!
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Six tips to avoid being an overworked writer
Another awesome list Kim. heading over to analyze my Twitter personality and creating a zombie.
Hi Madhur – Thanks :-) Curious to see the results of both.
Is that a real cat in the second video# It has such big feety hands!
The Food Stamp Article was very interesting. I’m trying to wean our family’s meat consumption down for a variety of reasons. It’s scary how much meat, dairy and eggs we go through (and I don’t really eat meat). It’s been hard getting the boys to eat a non-animal source of protein. I’m just going to continue to offer while at the same time offer smaller and smaller portions of meat and dairy.
The Original “Gross Lady”´s last blog post – How Life Coaching Helped My Blog
Hi Tracy – LOL :-)
Well, I suppose just serving really small portions like in stir frys and stuff would be the best to reduce. They aren’t going to lack protein – most Americans eat too much of it.
My kitty is really fluffy so her paws look bigger than they are. I assumed it was a realy kitty in the video but I’m not positive.
You might have noticed from my last comment that I am somewhat cat ignorant.
I’m trying to do more stir fries, casseroles, etc. I’d shied away from them because my 2nd son is so picky (nothing touching, no sauces) but you know, he’s 6 now. He can eat or make himself a sandwich!
The Original “Gross Lady”´s last blog post – How Life Coaching Helped My Blog
I’ve been lucky that my kid is the opposite of a picky eater – she will eat almost anything. Green peppers are probably her favorite food.
I suppose I’m a little harsh but I suppose if a kid got hungry enough … maybe not, I don’t have any experience with this issue. My kid also likes to sleep so I’m totally spoiled ;-)
Dangit! Paws! That’s what cat feety hands are called.
Sorry, I knew they were called something but I forgot what until I hit submit.
The Original “Gross Lady”´s last blog post – My Trip to the Farmer’s Market
There are so many ailments that people are dying of daily in massive numbers, and the media makes no mention of them. Let’s face it, the media thrives on sensation and fear-mongering, and the swine flu is tailor-made for their kind of reporting.
What if the media became as exercised about auto deaths or suicides as they are about swine flu? Far more of them *daily* than the sum total of flu deaths.
It’s very sad to me that the attention the government pays to “epidemics” seems to be in large part determined by the media: What leads on the news gets governmental attention and money. If it’s just plain old everday malaria, then nobody notices.
Mike Nichols´s last blog post – 6 Tips for Managing Persistent Fears and Anxieties
Hi Mike – I think if wealthy Western nations were affected by malaria than people would care more.
Yesterday there was something going around Twitter and Facebook – “90 people die of the flu and everyone is wearing a face mask. A million people get Aids and no one wants to wear a condom.”
Those cat videos are just adorable! And I agree about the swine flu. Every time I heard something about it, I wondered what the big deal was considering more people die from the common other varieties of flu.
~ Kristi
Kikolani´s last blog post – How to Make Social Promotion Easy
Hi Kristi – I hope you had a wonderful wedding and honeymoon :-)
Maru, with the box, is so popular he has a fan page on Facebook.