Happy Mother’s Day!
This week I have street fliers, Facebook, WordPress, Star Wars and more.
- Vintage JS – add a vintage look to your photos. I have a lot of old photos that are yellow so I don’t really get the appeal of adding that feature but there are some cool effects here.
- How to Sync Facebook Events With Google Calendar – But not the other way around.
- The Geek Zodiac v. 2.0 – I got The Spy. It’s not accurate so it’s about as accurate as the “real” zodiac.
- Upcoming Admin Style Refresh in WordPress 3.2 – Some screenshots of the WordPress admin in the upcoming version 3.2.
- 32 Examples of Awesome Star Wars Graffiti – This week we celebrated Star Wars day on May 4th and here is some Star Wars graffiti to commemorate it.
- What’s Coming in WordPress 3.2 (Features & Screenshots) – A comprehensive look at the upcoming version of WordPress.
- The world’s 13 most brilliantly pointless street fliers. – I really like the Lionel Ritchie one. I would also add the missing unicorn one that was in my neighborhood a couple of months ago.
Happy Mothers Day!
Thanks Dennis!
I trust you had a good day, yes?
Dennis Edell@Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..100 Down Thousands to Go!
It was ok – I’m not much for most holidays – I think every day should be considered special because life is SO short … I had a bit of a stomach ache that day and didn’t really do too much. I think the kid was a little disappointed – like she thought it was going to be some sort of super exciting day.