Ok – this week I have a links covering plugins, turning 40, a use of social media, a great contest for charity, some SEO, a cheat sheet, and (Anti) Social Updates.
- How to Write a WordPress Plugin – This tutorial is a year old and is aimed at people with knowledge of PHP. It is an comprehensive twelve part tutorial. I just wish I knew PHP better.
- 39 Things I Have Learned as I Prepare to Turn 40 Mark Hayward lists 39 things he has learned as he approaches 40. I wish I had seen this article in May when it came out as Mark Hayward and I are almost birthday buddies – he is just one day older than me :-)
- Launching Your Next Venture Using Social Media – 5 Lessons Learned – Recently Train for Humanity was on the (Anti) Social-List. This article is a follow-up in which the lessons learned about launching a new product via social media are highlighter as well as what would be done differently the next time.
- Styletime contest launch! Donate a dollar for BlogActionDay and win some great prizes! – Also blog, tweet, stumble or shout about this contest. Oh, and leave a comment so they know to throw you in the magic contest hat. Prizes include, Premium WordPress themes, a custom twitter background, business card design, 1 year membership to PSD Tuts and much, much more. Oh, and the dollar you donate goes to charity.
- WordPress SEO – The Definitive Guide to High Rankings for Your Blog – Yoast has a comprehensive guide on optimizing WordPress for Search Engines. Everything from permalinks to altering the blog’s structure is discussed. After reading this I changed my permalinks and installed the Redirection Plugin.
- The WordPress Help Sheet WP Candy created a pdf that you can download with a list of the basic template files and common used php snippets.
- New at (Anti) Social Development – If you are a frequent visitor (I know I have a couple), you have noticed some changes. I removed some pages from my header navigation and added some others. The sidebars, header and footer are also different depending on which page you are on. I will write about this in more detail this week but, for now, let’s just say I’m open for business.
Thank you for this post. Though I’m 61, the “39 Things” was interesting, enjoyable, and informative.
It will take me a while to get through the “WordPress SEO.” Thanks for the URL!
Mike Nichols’s last blog post – Questions and Answers: Antidepressants for Anxiety Disorders
I like the “Get Anti Social” box on the sidebar.
Also glad to see that your subscriber count is growing. :)
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post – Update: Meningitis Scare Over. Little B Is Home.
@Mike – Thanks! Well, maybe you should make the 61 things you’ve learned before your next birthday ;-) It was funny in July when Mark and I realized we were only one day apart. And that WordPress SEO article is the best I’ve found so far. It’s comprehensive and not too hard to understand.
@Vered – Thanks! I had help with a lot of the new text. I still don’t trust that RSS chicklet. Yesterday it was 73, it went down to 58 and is now back to 63. I find it hard to believe that 15 people are subscribing and unsubscribing. It is better, though, than the 38 I was stuck at for quite some time.
Kim – thanks for the link love! And for helping us to spread the word about Train for Humanity. :)
And belated happy birthday.
mark_hayward’s last blog post – Train for Humanity Week Two Update
HI Mark – Thanks! I really wish I had read your article when you first wrote it.
And Train for Humanity is a great cause!
The wordpress help sheet looks like a great resource. I have some clicking away to do. Thanks Kim!
Sommer-Green and Clean Mom’s last blog post – Blogher D.C. and Toxic Baby Documentary
Hi Sommer!
That is a really helpful cheat sheet. WP Candy is a good site to keep an eye on because they frequently release such useful resources.
Thanks for the mention about the BlogActionDay contest over at Styletime!
styletime’s last blog post – Re-Design, Design and Re-Design – This post took over 2000 hours of work!!
Hi – You’re welcome! (Now please pick me as one of the winners) ;-)