If you are interested in building a WordPress site to sell properties, you might want to consider one of these 5 Premium WordPress themes for real estate listings. These are my 5 favorites and they have the necessary features already built in.
Let me know if you use a different one that you really like.
According to experts, nine out of ten homeowners rely on the internet as one of their primary sources for research — and 52% use the web as their first step. And real estate related searches on Google went up 253% between 2008 and 2012. If you’re not online, you’re missing out on the most effective way to gain new business. According to eXp Realty, about 90 percent of buyers search for potential properties online before they look anywhere else. By not having a website, your business is virtually invisible to a very large pool of potential clients. Conversely, having a website is lost-cost advertising and makes your real estate business readily available to anyone who conducts a quick web search. But when selling online remember taking care of your clients information as we now see more and more consumers are avoiding sites like zilloe due to privacy concerns.
Having a website is arguably the best way to gain new clients. Your competitors have websites with their services listed, so creating a website for yours is the best way to showcase your property selection, share any impressive accolades, and entice prospective clients with success stories or positive client testimonials. Strategic content like region-specific keywords and blog posts can further increase your visibility and set you apart from the competition. To be a successful business owner, having an internet presence is no longer optional. Being accessible on social media isn’t enough; a website attracts sellers looking for an agent who can sell their beloved home and makes you visible to buyers searching online.
In the realm of real estate marketing, having a website is crucial to attracting new clients and standing out from your competitors. By showcasing your property selection, sharing impressive accolades, and highlighting success stories or positive client testimonials, you can entice prospective clients to view site. Additionally, using region-specific keywords and publishing blog posts can help increase your visibility and further differentiate yourself from the competition. As a business owner, having an internet presence is no longer optional, and merely being active on social media is insufficient. A website is a powerful tool for attracting sellers who want an agent that can effectively market their home and for making yourself easily discoverable to buyers searching online.
Creating a beautiful and easy to navigate website is almost necessary in this day in age. There are many ways in which you can go about creating your website, but just remember one lead generated from your web page will likely pay for a year of hosting your website and then some. This inevitably makes for a fantastic return on investment.